Originally posted on ICOC Albay Facebook Page
Genesis 17.7:
And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.
It is in the same spirit that ICOC Albay launched our Youth and Family Ministry last April 22, 2019. A total of 9 families gathered, prayed, played and learned from different activities led by our chuch leader Ramir Bodigon. We pray to keep learning how to love and lead our children in the instructions of the Lord and fervently hope that they will turn to Him, walk in His ways and see for themselves God’s own faithfulness in their lives. No hope sweeter in our hearts than someday returning to God with our very own children bowing and praising His name gathered around His throne in the heavenly realms together with the “faithful descendants of Abraham”. To Him be all the honor and glory!