Children's Ministry
We are committed to teaching our children in the way of the Lord. Children's Ministry is for kids from twelve months through 4th grade in elementary. We call it Kingdom Kids. These classes are held simultaneously during Sunday Worship Service. The classes are fun, interactive, Biblical and creative. It is a ministry where children plays, prays and learns together!
Married Ministry
Aims to build a dynamic, stable and spirit-filled family ministry of faithful disciples who are actively involved with one another, creating impact among individuals, couples, families, our city, and our province through evangelistic relationship building activities. Able to live and spread the Biblical view that marriage is ordained by God and that when we marry, we enter into a binding covenant with each other - with God at the center of that agreement.
Campus Ministry
A ministry of young campus students that envisions a solid and dedicated campus ministry, growing in numbers, in character and in love for God and for others. With God's providence and guidance, this vision shall be fulfilled with campus' ZEAL :
Z - EAL FOR THE MISSION (Matthew 28:18-20; 2Timothy 4:1-5) - conduct Bible talks in different campuses - practice lifestyle evangelism/evangelize as we go - pray for all campuses in Legazpi
E - XAMPLE (Matthew 5:16) - a life characterized by love and humility - excellence in school (no lates and no failing grades) - a compromise-free campus life - excellence at home and in the church
A - CTIVE FAITH IN GOD (James 2:24; 1Thessalonians 1:2-3) - daily devotion to God's Word - spiritual growth through consistent Bible studies - active and moving faith partnerships - fun and faith-building activities and relationships
L - OVE (Matthew 22:37-40; 2John 5-6) - love for God (obedience) - love for people (family, friends, church) - practice love in action - serving family - bringing friends /classmates to church - Strengthen/encourage one another - persevering in all situations (trials, challenges, temptation, repentance)
Single's Ministry
A ministry of single individuals that aims to connect and commission single adults in the community to a ministry that is dynamic, vibrant, serving and spiritual. It is a ministry that practices single's LIFE :
L- IVING OUT LIFE IN FULL (John 10:10) -spiritual growth thru quiet times - fun, joy and depth in fellowship - selflessness through service
I- NVITATION BY EXAMPLE (Matthew 5:14-16) - attracting change in people through personal example and lifestyle - evudent humility and gentleness
F - ORMED BY CONVICTIONS (Galatians 5:16-17) - overcoming trials, temptations and sins through Bible studies - character sharpening through deep faith-partnerships/group special times
E - XCELLENCE (Philippians 4:8) - moral excellence as a single man/woman (righteousness, purity, integrity, honesty, etc.) - above reproach character and performance through service in church, family, job/workplace and in the society.
Seniors Ministry
A group of fired up and committed disciples who enjoy life to the full. They may be advanced in age but their hearts remain young for the cause of Jesus. Considered as the Prayer Warriors of ICOC Albay as they continue to devote themselves to prayers - praying for the leaders and members of the church individually.
Youth and Family Ministry
YFM consists families with pre-teens (Grades 5 to 7) and teens (Grades 8 to 12). This ministry strives to help the youth develop a strong connection with the family. a deeper understanding of God and a devoted walk with Christ. This happens through great fellowship, teaching, discipleship and lots of fun. When each individual teen is ready to make a personal commitment to Christ, we work with their family to study the Bible with them and help them live the life of a disciple of Jesus.
Ligao/Guinobatan Ministry
A Bible Talk group that was organized to serve as light in the Third District of Albay. It aims to help those who are seeking God and the truth in His Word. They meet regularly in Mauraro at Nieblas' residence every Friday at 4pm.
Sorsogon Ministry
A family ministry in Sta Magdalena, Sorsogon that holds Bible Talk services in Matnog and in Sorsogon City.
Tabaco Ministry
A satellite Bible Talk group of ICOC Albay that regularly meets in Barangay Pawa at Tita Rosing's residence every Thursday, 1pm for their midweek devotional. Aims to share and spread the gospel in the first district of Albay.